A page turner of literary non-fiction story telling

“Who is this woman in the photograph you’ve had hidden all these years?” Cheri Mancuso inquired to a family member while going through an old photo album. The response was.. “we don’t speak of her."
New York resident and co-author of “Coldspring” Cheri Mancuso was simply searching for answers about her mysterious aunt Bernice Kenyon Farnsworth which had been kept a secret since 1935. As she dug through her family history, her passionate curiosity evolved into nearly a decade of detailed investigative research which unfolded into serendipitous discoveries that changed everything for her family and eventually for an entire community.
The research led them to separate reports of the same crime story repeating itself, stories of love, jealousy and murder that always involved two men and one woman in Coldspring, NY. These incidents occurred in the same manner, over a span of 234 years, with details so similar, some exactly identical, that it shed light on the karmic evolution and reincarnation aspects of her life and the life of her partner John.
What are your thoughts on Karmic evolution?

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