Self-Publishing success

Being successfully Self-Published (as first time authors) is no longer unique these days, however self-made success is always an inspiration to hear.  

Nearly a decade ago, Cheri was simply inquiring about an old photograph which was intentionally hidden in her family’s album in Jamestown, NY. She was told it was her great aunt Bernice Kenyon Farnsworth who was murdered in March 1935. The secrecy to Bernice’s existence only served to prompt John Scarano and Cheri Mancuso into a passionate investigation.

 Their research into the historical facts, individuals surrounding the events consumed nearly 10 years because each piece of information they found kept revealing more and more layers of intrigue dating back 234 years! 

Offers from major publishing houses came in, but due to the sensitive nature of this incredible story being told truthfully, they wanted control over editing and be able to maintain their rights to the books, so they passed on specific publishing house offers. 

Editing, Graphics, printing were all done at an affordable cost. Next they placed the books on Amazon and in eBook format, walked the books into Waldenbooks, libraries, boutique book stores, did a book launch event and eventually 5 months into it hired a publicist to assist with publicity and marketing. They’ve sold nearly 4500 books within their first year.

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