Vengeance is a lazy form of grief

Coldspring: The Trial deals with a true crime story. It is elevated to literary art as the authors take the reader on the same journey as the murderer by capturing his thoughts, anguish and his premonitions’ of death and eventual execution.

While the death penalty remains a controversial issue, who is it really there for? Prison Budget cuts? Eye for an Eye? Vengeance? Justice?  Granted murder that is premeditated (Bin Ladin, Charles Manson,etc) is a different matter because there is no remorse and they will just keep coming at you no matter how much rehabilitation or forgiveness there is. I found that after reading Coldspring: The Trial, there should be no capital punishment for cases involving involuntary manslaughter, temporary insanity, and self-defense for that matter.
Point being the book changed my mind on that issue. I am now against Capital Punishment for anything other than premeditated murder.

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